HOWTO extract attachments from outlook to external files
I was bouncing the company inbox size limit and wanted to extract all attachments from the inbox
One solution
This simple tool extracts all attachments between 2 dates from outlook and puts them into files,

- 1 select from which outlook-folder to extract from.
- 2 attachment output directory
- 3 restrict with date/times
- select only emails "From DateTime" to "To DateTime" (local format of datetime)
- 4 Attachment size
- extract only attachments where email total size larger than nn characters
- 5 If checked the attachments are deleted from outlook and replaced with text [filename] + [filesize]
- 6 start extracting
- 7 stop extrating (break)
Extract attachments
- Start OutlookExtractAtts on the same machine where Outlook is installed.
- [Logon via mapi to Outlook]
- Select folder and root directory
- Restrict with datetimes and body size
- Go
Download and go
- 2010-aug-31, version 0.3
- Update with regexp exclude
- 2009-jun-16, version 0.2
- Initial version
More info/questions:
Subject: OutlookExtractAtts
Microsoft, email, epost, Windows, Exchange, OutlookExtractAtts, Outlook2Html,
MailToHtml, Mail2Html, OutlookExtract, Outlook, Extract, MailExtract,
Attachment, Attachments, Extractor, Free, Fast, Download, archive,
embedded, files, 2003, 2007, inbox, size, limit,
arkivera, bilagor, bilaga, epost, e-post,